Children in Need 2020

On Friday 13th November, we are raising funds for Children in Need. Together, we can really make a difference!
This year, Children In Need are making children’s mental wellbeing their number one priority.
FIVE TO THRIVE is their unique programme of wellbeing activities inspired by the five ways to wellbeing, Connect, Be Active, Keep Learning, Give and Take Notice, to help children feel happier and healthier this year.
Teachers are able to download Five to Thrive videos and resources to use either across the week or just on Appeal Friday.
On Friday 13th November, Children and staff at OWPS will be raising funds by having a non-uniform day and selling our delicious Pudsey biscuits kindly baked by the kitchen staff.
Biscuits will be sold for 50p and there will be a £1 donation for those who choose to have a non–uniform day. Please send you children in with the correct change. Thank-you for your support.