Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome to the final half-term of the year and probably one of the busiest and personally one of my favourites. Whilst I write this newsletter, I can currently hear Year 6 rehearsals in the school hall for their end of year production and I have heard children discussing which class they think they will be in, in September. Transition days to new classes will happen on the 3rd and 4th July and a reminder will be sent out nearer the time.
Year 5 Class Assembly
To start the week, Year 5 welcomed us all back to school with their year group assembly, linked to their Summer Term learning of ‘Crime and Punishment.’ Their confidence shone through, with many of the children taking responsibility for the staging, music and organisation of props as well as performing brilliantly. Thank you to all of the visitors, who came in to support this event, allowing the children to showcase their learning. We hope you enjoyed it.
Year 4 Multiplication Check
This week has also marked the start of the Year 4 Multiplication Checks (MTC). This is a statutory assessment for all Year 4 pupils in England and has the purpose of determining whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently. The Year 4 pupils will complete their checks over the next fortnight via an online assessment portal and we would like to wish them all the luck they deserve.
Fingers crossed the warm weather is here to stay and I wish you all a lovely weekend.
Miss R Tansley
Director of Learning
Photo by Ingo Doerrie on Unsplash