Friday 11th March 2022

Mr Marks, the Deputy Headteacher, writes...
Dear Parents and Carers,
Three weeks into this half-term already and only another three until the Easter break, this year is flying by! Spring is now well and truly in the air and seeing some colour popping up in and around the school is always lovely to see. We have had some warmer days this week and our hope is that, with some longer dry spells, it won't be long before the children can use the field again at break and lunchtimes.
Watching the Year Five children arrive on Wednesday with their suitcases ready and packed for Hilltop was another sign we have been able to reintroduce some of those wonderful extras we organise and offer the children at Orton Wistow. All the children looked happy and excited. It was a mix of emotions on the parents' faces. Some looked a little anxious as they waved their children goodbye, others looked just as happy as their son or daughter, I imagine looking forward to a few quiet and relaxed evenings! Having been on this residential several times in the past, I know they are going to have had an amazing time and will arrive back today full of memories and feeling tired. A big thank you to the staff that have organised and attended this residential. It is a full-on three days, and the staff will come back today even more tired than the children! They will all be glad it is Friday.
Next week, lots of our Year Three pupils will go on their first residential to Burwell. Again, I have been on this trip several times, and it is a great few days. For many parents, this may well be the first time your children have been away from you for this long. Rest assured, they will have a great time and the staff that are going will ensure they are happy and well looked after. It is another full-on three days, and they will be back on Wednesday before you know it.
The several huge piles of donations that have landed in our entrance to support families in Ukraine have been astonishing. As soon as one pile has been taken, another appears almost instantly. Thank you to everyone who has donated items for this cause. My assembly today has been about kindness and how in times of trouble, we often see the best in many people. The relief effort in Peterborough is ongoing, so we will remain open as a collection point for as long as needed.
Looks like we are in for quite a nice weekend, I hope you all manage to get out and make the most of it!
Take care,
Mr Marks
Photo by Dulcey Lima on Unsplash