Friday 3rd March 2023

Mr Marks, the Headteacher, writes...
Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope you have all had a positive week. Although the cold has returned, it hasn't stopped us from working hard in school and enjoying World Book Day yesterday. As much as I love being the Headteacher, I was not happy with whoever decided to book the Headteacher's conference on World Book Day. I was tempted to go to that meeting in my Very Hungry Caterpillar costume, but I decided against it in the end as it was my first one!
Curriculum Review Day
One of the advantages of being part of the OWN Trust is the support and challenge we receive as part of the review processes we will take part in each year. Today we had Stuart Mansell (CEO of the OWN Trust), Sarah Levy (Headteacher of Old Fletton Primary School) and Rebekah Liyambo (from EKO Trust in London) spend the day with us to have a look at how we teach a couple of curriculum subjects.
We chose for them to have a look at History and PE. Mrs. Ironside (History Lead) and Mr. Cowles (PE Lead) organised the timetable for the day and our visitors have popped into some lessons, looked at our curriculum documents, spoken to some pupils and met with staff. The feedback we get from this will help us to improve these subjects even further, and we have also learned other ways of judging the effectiveness of our curriculum through observing the team carry out their review.
I hope you all have a fantastic weekend, see you next week.
Mr Marks
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash