Friday 9th June 2023

Miss Tansley, The Year 6 Teacher writes....
Dear Parents and Carers,
It has been lovely to welcome all the children back to school, after the Half Term break and in true Wistow style the work ethic, behaviour and positivity displayed has been superb – like they have never been away! Already, singing from the Year 6 production rehearsals can be heard, many children have welcomed visitors to our Open Day and preparations for transition events are taking place.
Open Day
On Wednesday 7th June, we welcomed just over 130 Wistow families to our Open Day, where the children had an opportunity to share their learning from across the year. It is always lovely to see and hear the children talking about what they have been doing and sharing some of their favourite pieces with their visitors. The atmosphere in the school hall was very calm and ambient, with our Year 6 House Captains helping to organise the room. Thank you to everyone who signed up for a slot at this event, we hope you enjoyed spending some time in school and seeing what your child/ren have been up to.
New Foundation Stage Parents Evening
The Summer Term is always a busy one in a school and on Tuesday Evening we welcomed the families (some new and some already part of) the Wistow Family to our New Foundation Stage Parents Evening. We are excited that we are expecting a full cohort again in September 2023 in our FS unit and had a great turn out for the event. This evening was an opportunity for prospective parents to find out a little more about Foundation Stage, the ethos of Wistow and to put faces to names of the staff members their children will be working with when they join the school. Thank you to everyone who joined us.
I am hopeful that the weather begins to brighten over the next few weeks, as we enter the final half term of this academic year – fingers crossed! Please also, continue to follow Twitter pages for our classes, to see what we get up to.
Miss Tansley
Year 6 Teacher | English Subject Lead