Friday 07.07.23

Mr Marks, the Headteacher writes.....
Dear Parents and Carers,
Another very positive week in school leading us up to the penultimate week of the academic year. You always know we are nearing the end of the summer term as there are lots of clues. There are some impressive-looking props and scenery being prepared for the Year Six production, lots of deliveries being made with resources ready for September and some trophies have disappeared from the cabinet as they need engraving. An exciting time of the year at OWPS!
Transition Week
All of our transition arrangements this week went very smoothly. I saw happy and excited children spending time in their new classes with their teachers for September. Miss. Carters and Mr. Nolan, our two new teachers joined us for those days and are already becoming part of the Wistow team. I have spoken to several Year Six children who also spoke very positively about their days at their new secondary schools. We then had an impressive number of parents come to school on Wednesday evening for the transition evening presentations. It was great to see so many of you here, I'm sure you found the information shared very useful and it was a good chance for you to meet your children's new teachers. We will share the presentations with you all.
Reports and Open Day
On Tuesday, the children's end-of-year reports will be uploaded to the parent portal for you to access. There is also a chance to pop into school on Thursday between 3.15pm and 4.00pm if you have any questions about the reports or if you would like to speak to your child's current teacher or say hello to their new teacher.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I will see you on Monday morning.
Mr. Marks