Friday 08.09.23

Mr Marks, the Headteacher writes....
Dear parents and carers,
The first week of the new school year has come to an end, and we are all ready to make the most of this beautiful weather over the next couple of days. It has been a very positive start to the term and the children should feel proud of how they have stepped up to the challenge of a new year group. Within moments of them walking through the doors on Monday morning, they were engaged in learning within their classrooms and not a single minute has been wasted over the first five days.
Establishing our Expectations
Each year we discuss the importance of starting how we mean to go on and making our expectations clear to the children. This always flows back to the PRIDE Code, Learning Tools and Golden Rules. The teaching staff have worked hard to teach children the daily routines they need to follow and where necessary these are rehearsed in class to set the standard for the year. Please ask your children about the Golden Rules. There are seven in total, I wonder if they can remember them all?
New Pupils
It has been lovely to see our new Foundation Stage children start with us this week on a part-time timetable. Although there have been a few tears (some from the parents as well!) they have settled quickly and every time I have popped into the unit, they have been happily joining in and making the most of the provision on offer. We have also had some children join us in other year groups who have equally started the year well and appear to be happy in their new school.
Ambassador Roles
As a way to promote that sense of responsibility (one of our learning tools), children in Year Six take on an ambassador role during their final year with us. There are a wide variety of roles covering curriculum subects and other elements of school life. I was supported by two assembly ambassadors last year who helped set up for assemblies and looked after the ICT in the hall. I know our new Year Six children are looking forward to this new responsibility.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Mr. Marks
Photo by Radek Kilijanek on Unsplash