Friday 29.09.23

Miss Tansley, Director of Learning, writes...
Dear Parents/Carers,
This week we have made it through to the halfway point of Autumn Term 1 and it has been another busy week! Mr Marks led our whole school assembly on Monday, where he focussed on the theme of European Languages Day and the launch of extra-curricular clubs. Children were encouraged to ensure they take responsibility, show perseverance when trying something new and demonstrate dedication to their activities of choice. We hope that everyone enjoys the clubs on offer this term.
Y5 Hilltop Residential
Monday saw the start of the Year 5 Residential Visit to Hilltop Outdoor Center. The children were extremely excited about this visit and returned to OWPS on Wednesday evening after undertaking three days of adventurous outdoor activities. Some of the activities included Bushcraft, Airjump, Tree Top Trail, Assault Course and the Big Zipper. All the children on the visit had to really work hard on stepping out of their comfort zones and stretching themselves to undertake new activities. So much resilience was shown, that all the adults and instructors commented on how proud they were of the group. The visit also helped the children to take responsibility, where they were in charge of their own mealtime routines and keeping their bedrooms tidy, ready for their room inspections! The three days were a huge success and everyone came home very tired - including the adults! We hope you enjoyed all of the updates via our ‘X’ (nee Twitter) feed.
Macmillan Coffee Morning
On Thursday 28th September, OWPS staff hosted their own coffee morning, to raise money for Macmillan. This is an in-house event that we support every year and enjoy all of the delicious treats that were brought in to devour. We will send off the money raised in due course.
Donation Friday - TOMORROW
Friday 29th September is our first ‘Donation Friday’ of the year. This time, FOWS would like unwanted gifts for the Christmas Fair and gift sale later in the year. Members of the FOWS team will be present on the school playground before school, to receive any donations, or they can be dropped off at the school office. In return for bringing these gifts, children are welcome to wear their own snazzy socks as a thank you for supporting our fundraising events as without these donations, our events would not be possible. Thank you in advance.
Parents Evening
On Thursday 5th October, bookings for the Autumn Term Parents evening will open on the School Cloud. A reminder email with the link to the School Cloud will also be sent out on the day.
I would like to wish you all a lovely weekend and hope we can just hold off wearing our winter coats a little longer!
Photo by Jeremy Thomas on Unsplash