Friday 24th November

Mr Marks, the Headteacher, writes....
Dear parents and carers,
As well as hearing the nativity and Christmas production songs being practiced regularly at school, there is another way you can tell it is getting close to that special time of year and that is when you start to find glitter stuck to everything. Another week has flown by at Orton Wistow and there has been a lot to celebrate this week including further success for our school football teams. Well done to all the boys and girls that have represented the school recently.
Online Safety Week
Next week is this half-term's online safety week in school. During this week, all classes will have a lesson focussed on this important part of our curriculum, plus there may be further activities and discussions about how to keep themselves and others safe when they are online. Most children will spend time on devices connected to the internet when they are outside of school, both my own children enjoy time playing games online with their friends. Next week would be a great time to talk with your children about how to keep safe online and discuss what they have learnt at school. This will help them to retain some of that important knowledge shared with them at school and hopefully support them to make good choices and stick to the PRIDE Code when they are online.
Road Safety Assembly
My assembly on Monday is all about how we can keep safe when travelling along roads and pavements, whether that be walking, cycling or scooting. It now gets dark very early and it is vital that we all play our part to keep ourselves and others safe. We will talk about choosing safe places to cross the road and the importance of wearing bright and reflective clothing.
Looks like we are about to experience a drop in temperature over the next week. Please make sure the children come to school wearing appropriate clothes for break and lunch times and please name all those extra things like scarves, gloves and hats! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
Mr. Marks
Photo by Simon Berger on Unsplash