Friday 1st December

Miss Tansley, Director of Learning, writes....
Dear Parents/Carers,
The weather has certainly taken a turn and a change of coat has been donned this week! I saw my first frosty morning last weekend and thought it a good cue to get into the Christmas spirit and pop my own decorations up. It won’t be long before we have them up in school too. There is definitely something special about working in a primary school at Christmas time.
FS Nativity
One of the things that makes this time of year special in a primary school is the Foundation Stage Nativity. Our youngest children performed for both the rest of the school and their family members this week, in two superb performances. I had the pleasure of watching both and it was a delight. To think that our Penguins and Iguanas have only been at school for a matter of weeks, they definitely demonstrated our Learning Toolkit when taking to the stage for their performances. Thank you to all the staff, for their hard work behind the scenes too, without you it wouldn’t happen.
The next couple of weeks are jam-packed with events in the lead up to Christmas, so please keep an eye on the calendar. We have lots to look forward to with the Y2 Christmas Production, our Christmas Fair (8th December 2023), the FOWS Xmas Sale, Christmas Dinner and a Christmas Service at Alwalton Church for some of our UKS2 pupils. You may also remember that during Covid, the OWPS staff team created some virtual Christmas stories as an advent calendar online - this has some new additions and can be found at Orton Wistow Primary School - Advent Story Time ( if you wish to share them with your own families.
Wet Playtimes
Could I also send a reminder about our request for any unloved or wanted board games, card games, jigsaws, activity/dot-to-dot books that could be handed in to support our wet playtimes. Where possible we always take the children outside and use our canopied areas for shelter, but on the days where the weather isn’t so kind we would like to ask for any further donations. Please hand in any donations to the school office and we will then distribute them to relevant year groups
Happy 1st December to all our Wistow families!
Miss R Tansley
Director of Learning
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash