Friday 08.12.23

Mr Marks, the Headteacher, writes....
Dear Parents and Carers
We are getting very close to the end of the Autumn term, and we have had another busy and positive week in school. The Christmas decorations are up, carols and Christmas songs can often be heard around school, and we have all enjoyed the Year Two production this week.
Peterborough Songbook Competition
Funded by Peterborough Music Hub and The Marchus Trust, Peterborough Sings! is producing the Peterborough Songbook, a collection of six songs for and about local children. As part of this project, children in Year Six were asked to send poems, stories or lyrics about Peterborough. I am very excited to announce that we have two winners from our school. Imaan and Lucy have both had their lyrics chosen, and they will be set to music by a professional composer and then performed by primary school children from across the city at the Cresset Theatre in March. Huge congratulations to them both.
Year 2 Christmas Production - The Angel Who Nearly Missed it All!
After hearing so many members of staff and then family members after the afternoon performance say how great this show was, I was excited about seeing it for the first time on Wednesday Evening. It did not disappoint! The Turtles and Chameleon were fantastic, and it was clear from the smiles and applause that everyone thoroughly enjoyed the show. Well done again to all the children and the staff involved in putting the show together.
Years One to Six Curriculum evening
Some details about our upcoming curriculum evening will be sent home soon, but I wanted to let everyone know now the date and focus for this event. On Wednesday 17th January, parents of children in Years One to Six will be invited to school to find out about our geography, history and RE Curriculum. We often focus on reading, writing and maths, but we were keen this year to turn our attention to other important areas of the curriculum, and we have had a humanities focus since September. We hope lots of you will join us for over an hour in January.
Don't forget it is Christmas outfit day on Wednesday 13th December. I am already looking forward to my first Christmas lunch of the season!
Have a lovely weekend.
Mr Marks
Photo by Theo Crazzolara on Unsplash