Friday 19.01.24

Mr Marks, the Headteacher, writes...
Dear parents and carers,
Woolly hats, scarves and gloves have been a requirement this week! I'm glad to see that the weather is turning a little warmer over the weekend. Despite the cold, we have had another great week in school. It has been lovely to see parents of our youngest children come into school for some 'Stay and Play' sessions and our Spring Term clubs started this week.
Each year we run Bikeability (cycling proficiency) for our Year Five pupils. It is a great way to learn how to ride a bike safely on the roads and the children always enjoy the daily sessions that run over four days. All the children that took part this year did exceptionally well and the two adults running the training were very complimentary about them and the school. The children demonstrated the PRIDE Code, listened well and followed the instructions. Because of this, they all enjoyed the week and became better and safer cyclists. Well done!
Curriculum Evening
Thank you to all those parents that joined us for our Curriculum Evening on Wednesday. Our focus this year was on history, geography and RE and Mrs Granville, Mrs Ironside and Miss Strike planned the evening and presented to the group in the hall at the start of the session. Parents then had the opportunity to visit classrooms through the school to see examples of what lessons, activities and learning looks like in these subjects for different year groups. These subjects have been a focus for us this year and we are already considering which other curriculum subjects we will turn our attention to next year.
School Open Day-Date Change
Due to clashes with events happening in the school, the Open Day has been changed to 28th February 2024.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Mr. Marks
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash