Friday 09.02.24

Miss Tansley, Director of Learning, writes.....
Dear Parents/Carers,
Although we are almost at the end of the half-term, OWPS has not slowed down! If anything, it feels like it has been another exceptionally busy week. The classrooms, corridors and outdoor learning spaces remain a hive of activity and there continues to be a great ‘buzz’ as you walk through the school.
Online Safety Week
Online Safety is something that is embedded through our curriculum, yet there are also stand-alone weeks, where we take a specific focus on this subject; this week has been one of those weeks and it was specifically ‘Safer Internet Day’ on Tuesday 6th February. Throughout the week our classes have taken part in assemblies, quizzes and lessons to reiterate the importance of staying safe online, with the help of our Online Safety Rangers too.
Sponsor Day Success
On Wednesday 7th February, the whole school took part in ‘Bolt to Berlin’, the sponsor event of the year. Each class spent a period of time running laps of our Wistow Mile track, in the hope that our total mileage enabled us to reach Berlin. We did it! The school managed to run a whopping 1,102miles, which equates to Berlin and almost back! The perseverance, determination and encouragement of others was a pleasure to see. Please send in all sponsor money donations via ParentPay. An item has been set up for payments.
Parents Evening - Thank you
Thank you to all the families who joined us for Parents' Evening this week. It is always lovely to be able to share with you how your child/ren are doing, especially at this midpoint of the school year and we hope to see you in person at future events.
Finally, please may I remind you of a couple of uniform expectations; long hair is required to be tied back, nail varnish is not permitted and earrings should be of a single stud design. All of these requirements are to keep health and safety a priority, and we are grateful for your cooperation.
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss R Tansley
Director of Learning
Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash