Friday 15.03.24

Mr Marks, the Headteacher, writes....
Dear Parents and Carers,
Another positive week in school and another week that has flown by. It is starting to feel a little warmer and hopefully that will mean the children can start to use the field during break times after the Easter holiday.
Lockdown Procedure
After writing to you last week about this, we carried out our lockdown drill in school on Wednesday morning. The teachers spoke to the children about why we were doing it and answered many of their questions. The children and adults followed the procedure carefully and responsibly and it was successful practise. One of the reasons for the drill is to check whether the procedure works and if there are any changes we might consider to make it better. We have discussed a few minor changes but overall we were pleased with how it went. Well done to all the pupils.
Year Four Assembly
It was great to see so many family members come in to school on Tuesday to watch the Year Four Assembly. The assembly was all about water and how we can all play our part to reduce wasting water. I think all the adults left the hall with smiles on their faces but also with a slight sense of guilt after hearing about how much water can be wasted by simply leaving the tap on whilst brushing your teeth! Well done Year Four, you have given us all a lot to think about.
School Partnership Program Review
Yesterday we had three teachers from other schools in Peterborough join us for the day to look at how we teach maths. The idea of this project is to get professionals from outside of our school to look at something we are trying to improve. They spent time in lots of classes in the school during maths lessons, spoke to some teachers and pupils and then gave feedback to some members of the Senior Leadership Team at the end of the day. The group were very complimentary about our school and how welcomed they felt by everyone. They also commented on how well behaved the pupils were and the great attitude they had to learning. They identified lots of strengths in our maths lessons and commented on Miss. Wyatt's strong leadership of this subject. They also identified some key areas for thought and possible development. We will have a staff meeting in a couple of weeks to explore this further.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I will see you on Monday.
Mr. Marks
Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash