Friday 22.03.24

Miss Tansley, the Director of Learning, writes...
Dear Parents/Carers,
To think we are heading into our final 4 days of the spring term! The year feels like it is going so quickly, yet once again Wistow remains a hive of activity. The school is well underway with preparations for the summer and with the clock moving forward, I hope it brings with it more sunshine for our Easter Break.
Y6 Mock SATs
Throughout the past week, our Year 6 pupils have undertaken their Mock SATs assessments. The preparation that goes into this week is a mammoth operation, with all staff having to jump on board and support in some way or another, so that the pupils are given the chance to showcase their brilliance. We take great pride in ensuring these assessments are not daunting for the children and from my observations, the week has run exceptionally smoothly. A huge thank you to all involved but especially to Mrs Simmons and Mr Cowles for their commitment in harboring success in our pupils.
Y2 Local Area Walk
Next week, our Year 2 children will head off for a walk in the local area to carry out a geography fieldwork study. We are very lucky to have Ferry Meadows on our doorstep to aid with such parts of our curriculum, especially as the school has a focus on humanities subjects this academic year.
Red Nose Day - Thank you!
Last Friday was a huge success, with our classes holding their own stalls, to raise money for Comic Relief. The playground was a sea of red, with children enjoying their biscuits, wearing their own red items of clothing and engaging with all the activities on offer. Our School Council did a great job of proposing this idea, with the support of Mrs Granville and I am pleased to report that we raised a superb £641.17!
Wishing you all a lovely weekend.
Miss R Tansley
Director of Learning
Photo by RetroSupply on Unsplash