Friday 03.05.24

Miss Tansley, Director of Learning, writes....
Dear Parents/Carers,
To think we are already 3 weeks into our Summer Term is a little scary! I can’t believe how quickly the year is going and even many of my class have said recently the same thing; as they see their Year 6 peers preparing for their upcoming SATs assessments. That being said, school remains busy and it has been lovely to see so many visitors in the building this week.
Rock Steady Concert
On Tuesday we all had the pleasure of watching many of the pupils perform in a Rock Steady concert to their peers. These concerts always provide a great atmosphere and allow the performers to showcase the pieces they have been practicing throughout the term. Two concerts were showcased to the different key stages and were a real triumph. Congratulations and thank you to all of the children who performed to the rest of the school.
Think for The Future
As a school, we have enrolled onto the Think for The Future Programme for the remainder of this academic year and into the new Autumn Term. Many of the UKS2 children will be working alongside a dedicated behaviour and resilience mentor over the term. These sessions began this week, with the feedback from pupils being extremely positive and I even managed to pop in too and see for myself how well the children have begun to engage. We really look forward to seeing how these sessions progress.
Finally, we hope that the Y4 pupils returning from their residential visit to Grafham Water today, have had a wonderful time and sleep well over the weekend after a fun-packed three days away. Thank you to all the staff who made this residential possible.
Wishing you all a lovely weekend.
Miss R Tansley
Director of Learning
Photo by Ingo Doerrie on Unsplash