Friday 10.05.24

Mr Marks, the Headteacher, writes....
Dear Parents and Carers,
Finally, the summer seems to have arrived! Although we are set for more rain next week, it has been lovely opening the gate and spending time on the playground in the sunshine. Another term feels like it is flying by with only two more weeks until half-term.
Year Six SATs Week
From Monday to Thursday next week the Year Six pupils will be completing their SATs. A lot of hard work and preparation has gone into getting ready for the GPS, reading and maths tests that the children will do next week and they are all ready to apply the learning tools and Do Their Best (priDe). We talk to all the children in school about when they are in the Learning Zone (which is most of the time) and when they are in the Performance Zone. For Year Six, next week, they will be in the Performance Zone and we wish them all the best of luck. I know Mr. Cowles, Mrs. Simmons and the support staff that work with Year Six have worked tirelessly to get them ready and I know there is little else they could have done.
Trustees Visit
On Wednesday, Mr. Goakes (OWN Trust Executive Deputy) gave a tour of the school to five of the Trustees (a group of people who help oversee the strategic direction of OWN Trust). They visited classes, spent time on the playground and had lunch in the hall with the children. They all commented on how positive their visit was and how polite our pupils are. Several of our younger children went over and said hello to them whilst they were having lunch, introducing themselves and showing a genuine interest in why they had decided to visit our school.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend. I can see the BBQ being fired up for the first time this year!
Mr. Marks
Photo by Irina Iriser on Unsplash