Friday 05.07.2024

Mrs Fidgett, the Director of Learning, writes...
Dear Parents and Carers,
What a busy week! After eagerly anticipating what was in store for them during transition days; the children enjoyed time in their next year group alongside their new classmates and teachers. Transition days offer the opportunity for teachers and children alike to get to know each other outside of the demands of the curriculum. As I moved through the school it was clear to see that children were engaged and happy with their new environments and that adults were already working on establishing the routines and expectations they wish to embed in September.
Many thanks to all the parents and carers who joined us for our Transition Evening on Wednesday, it was a great turn-out and gave us a chance to share the year group expectations for you to support with at home too. If you were unable to make the event, the slides for each year group will be available soon for you to refer to.
House Captains
There was only one important voting day to remember this week and that was the OWPS voting day for our new House Captains! The Year 5 children who put themselves forward for the role, presented their campaigns with courage and clarity. Well done to them all. Children across KS1 and KS2 were invited to vote for their chosen House Captain in our polling booths. The results are currently being counted and verified, with Mr Marks revealing our winners at the end of term.
I look forward to seeing many of you at our Summer Fair today after school. As always, FOWS have put in lots of hard work behind the scenes to make the event a success.
Have a good weekend-come on England!
Mrs Fidgett
Director of Learning
Photo by Dmitry Bukhantsov on Unsplash