Friday 13.09.24

Mr Marks, the Headteacher, writes...
Dear parents and carers,
Our first full week back has been very positive and it has been great to see our new Foundation Stage children in the building this week. Thank you to everyone who has donated books for our reading corners in school. Mrs. Campling has started to sort through them and they will be shared out in the coming weeks.
Routines and Expectations
We often start a new year reminding the children of the PRIDE Code, Golden Rules and our general expectations in school. The routines we have been working on are already making a difference in school and we are aiming for a sense of calm, especially at the start of the day and after break times to allow lessons and learning to begin quickly and so we can make the most of each day.
General Reminders
Registration - The gates open at 8.35am each morning and close at 8.45am. All children need to be in their classroom by 8.45am as this is when registration begins. If they arrive after that time, they are marked as late. Please ensure you arrive at school in time for your children to get into class on time.
Staff car park - The main school car park is for staff. We have a large staff at OWPS and some are arriving at school to start work and are unable to park in the staff car park as places are being taken up by parents. Parents can not use the car park when dropping children off in the morning or picking children up at the end of the day unless it has been specifically agreed with school.
Our Bravery Award Winner!
This week, Finley in year Three won a BBC Radio Cambridgshire 'Make a Difference' bravery award. Finley's mum collapsed whilst in the family home and Finley was the only other person in the house at the time. He rang for an ambulance and took care of his mum whilst waiting for the paramedics to arrive, saving her life by showing bravery and responsibility. Well done Finley, we are all very proud of you.
One thing that stood out from the parent questionnaire at the end of last year was homework. Some parents commented on there not being enough, for some too much and others unsure on what the expectations were and it changing at times in the year. With homework we have to accept that we are not going to please everyone as was reflected in the comments. The most important thing to us is that the homework we do set makes a difference. The Senior Leadership Team have already discussed homework at OWPS and we are going to agree on what it will look like and then communicate this to you all in the coming weeks. In the meantime, please continue to listen to your children read at home five times a week as this is something that is not only enjoyable but also improving their reading skills will definitely make a difference!
The Friends of Wistow School are currently on the lookout for some new parents or other family members to join their team. FOWS have done so much for our school over the years. They have raised a lot of money that school has put towards resources and 'extras' that we could not have afforded otherwise, and the events they organise and run help to build and strengthen our school community. If you would like to get involved please email the group at . More information can be found on the school website: Orton Wistow Primary School - Friends of Orton Wistow School (FOWS) (
A longer newsletter than usual but there are often a few extra things to mention at the start of a new school year. Thank you for taking the time to read the newsletter, we write one each week to keep parents, carers and other family members up to date with what is happening or is going to happen in school. Remember to like and follow the new OWPS Facebook page ( and link with your child's DOJO account as well.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Mr. Marks