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Friday 4.10.24

Mrs Fidgett, the Director of Learning, writes....

Dear Parents and Carers,  

What a soggy start to October we have suffered so far! The downpours seem to have been expertly timed for break, lunch and home-time, as I’ve witnessed many children and adults in a dash to get off the playground at 3.15pm this week. Our toolkit skills of perseverance and resilience were definitely in full showcase during football and netball clubs; despite the rain, the attendees looked happily undeterred from their activities. Although wet play times are far from ideal, adults and children alike appreciate the time outdoors. The children have adapted to the change and maintained a positive indoor playtime by following our wet play routines and expectations. Many thanks to our MDS team who have worked hard to keep this time of the day calm and happy for all.    

School Games Gold Mark 

We are delighted to inform you that this week we were awarded the School Games Gold Mark. The award recognises schools who show a commitment to the development of competition across the school. Thank you to Mr Cowles and Mr Nolan for their coordination of the award.  


Just a reminder that we are still collecting Harvest donations until next Wednesday (9th). All proceeds will be given to the Peterborough Foodbank to support families across the city. Our donation table is looking a little thin at present, so any donation, no matter how small, would be greatly appreciated. According to their website, the foodbank is currently in short supply of the following: cereal, tea, long life fruit juice, tinned meat, tinned fruit and tinned fish.   


It has been great to see clubs launch again for this academic year. Attending clubs allows children to develop their teamwork and social skills whilst also providing a wonderful opportunity to increase their interests and skills. It also supports them in showing dedication, commitment and responsibility for their time. We are grateful to all the staff in school who dedicate some time in their week to run a club. If your child has signed up to a club, we expect them to attend or if this isn’t possible, they notify the member of staff running the club that they won’t be present. This ensures that we keep all children safe whilst they are in our care. We’d appreciate you sharing this message with your child at home.  

Have a wonderful weekend- fingers crossed for some sunshine! 

Mrs Fidgett 

Director of Learning  

Photo by Mohammad Emami on Unsplash