Friday 18.10.24
Miss Tansley, the Director of Learning, writes....
Dear Parents/Carers,
As I sit writing this penultimate newsletter of the term, I can hear our new Foundation Stage children singing Christmas songs from the hall, and it is only October! This always reminds me of how much time, rehearsal and careful planning it takes to pull off some of our additional events in school, yet the final product is always one we thoroughly enjoy.
Shoebox Appeal
Last Friday, Karen Hales, an ex-Wistow parent and governor hosted our Friday assembly and launched the Shoebox Appeal (Operation Christmas Child) to the children. She shared suitable items to pack into a shoebox that can be sent to less-fortunate families around the globe. If you feel you could help support this charity, there are two boxes in the school entrance; one for completely filled boxes and one for individual items that you may be able to donate. For more information please visit: Operation Christmas Child | Samaritans Purse (
Lost Property
As the weather changes, we often start to see an increase in lost property items across the school. Please ensure that all coats, gloves and hats are labelled clearly with your child's name and should anything become missing, lost property boxes can be found at the cloakrooms of each year group or key stage.
Please can I also gently remind our Wistow community to park in a considerate manner when dropping off and picking up your children each day. This helps to keep everyone safe and promotes good road safety to the children. Also, when parking in the surrounding streets, please be mindful of not blocking residents' driveways.
The main school car park is for staff. We have a large number of staff at OWPS and some are arriving at school to start work and are unable to park in the staff car park as places are being taken up by parents. Parents can not use the car park when dropping children off in the morning or picking children up at the end of the day unless it has been specifically agreed with school.
Finally, we look forward to seeing you all at the virtual Parents Evenings scheduled for next week.
Have a lovely autumnal weekend.
Miss R Tansley
Director of Learning
Photo by Marion Botella on Unsplash