Friday 25.10.24

Mr Marks, the headteacher, writes....
Dear parents and carers,
The first half-term has come to an end, and we are all ready for a break. It has been a positive eight weeks in school and the children should feel very proud of what they achieved so far this year. School has remained calm and hardworking, and it is time for a rest! We had 95% of our parents book a parents evening appointment for this week and the teachers have enjoyed the chance to catch up with you all and let you know how your children have started this new school year.
Parent Helpers
We now have some parents who are helping out in school each week, and we are very grateful for the support. I had the same parent helper for many years when I had the Meerkats class (many years ago now!) and the time and support she gave was a huge help. If you would like to help in school, please let us know. It could be just for an hour at the end of one day in the week before you pick your children up or if you would like to spend a morning or an afternoon with us, we would welcome any time you could offer. Please just contact the school office.
FOWS Donation Day
Thank you to everyone who brought in some chocolate or sweets for FOWS to use at the Christmas fair. It was wonderful to see lots of the children wearing their house colours in school. As the Headteacher, I am not officially a member of any house, instead I like to think I am in all four so I attempted to find an outfit that had all four colours but I couldn't make it work with my current clothing selection! The donation days we run throughout the year make a huge difference to the options FOWS have when planning the special events we host and go a long way to helping them raise the money they do for the school.
I hope you all have a wonderful week. Next half-term is possibly my favourite as we lead up to Christmas. Foundation Stage have already started to practice their Nativity performance and I am looking forward to it already!
See you all back in school on Monday 4th November.
Mr. Marks
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash