Friday 15.11.24

Mr Marks, the Headteacher, writes....
Dear parents and carers,
Another busy but positive week at Orton Wistow Primary School. Tommy the Calm Classroom Teddy is awarded to one class each week as part of my Monday assembly and this week he was awarded to the Cobras class. As often as possible, I will walk through the school, popping into classrooms, spending a little time in all parts of the school. Not only does this have a wonderful effect on my wellbeing, it gives me a chance to see what each class is up to and how well they are following our expectations. It is never an easy decision to make, but the Cobras deserved Tommy this week, as every time I visited their classroom, the calm and productive atmosphere allowed the teacher to teach and the children to learn. This is what we are aiming to achieve every day across the school.
Year Four Family Learning
This was our 5th family learning event of the year so far, and it was great to see so many family members join the Giraffes and Nighthawks for the session on Wednesday. We continue to arrange these for years one to six each year, alongside the 2CanLearn sessions as well. GPS (Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling) was the focus for this session, and we hope that our visitors found it useful.
Anti-bullying Week
It was great to see so many children and staff support Anti-bullying week on Tuesday by wearing odd socks. We have covered this important topic during this week for a number of years, and it helps us to consider what we do in school to prevent bullying. This year's focus on 'Respect' and choosing to be kind to others goes hand in hand with our PRIDE Code and Golden Rules.
Local Governing Committee
On Wednesday we had our first LGC meeting of the year. I was pleased to welcome our newest governor, Ms. Linda Anani to her first LGC meeting but at the same time sad to say goodbye and thank you to Mrs. Karen Hales who has been an OWPS governor for a long time. Mrs. Hales has been involved in the life of OWPS for many years, as a parent and a governor, and we hope she will continue to promote the shoebox appeal each year.
I hope you all have a great weekend.
Mr. Marks
Photo by Jeremy Thomas on Unsplash