Friday 13.12.24

Mr Marks, the Headteacher, writes...
Dear parents and carers,
We have reached the end of the penultimate week of term, the last newsletter of the year, and there are now just four school days left until we break for the holiday. It has been a great term at OWPS, and I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all the staff for their hard work, the pupils for sticking to the PRIDE Code and making the most of each day and to our families for their continued support. We are all ready to enjoy some time at home with our families and friends before returning on Tuesday 7th January to start the new term.
Wednesday 18th December
Always a day we look forward to, it's 'Christmas Jumper Day!' Mr. Goakes mentioned in last week's newsletter that as much as possible it is business as usual at OWPS until the final couple of days. This week has remained calm and purposeful in school despite the Year 2 production and some other festive related events, and the pupils can all look forward to some Christmas excitement in school next week. It is a non-uniform day on Wednesday, so children can wear their festive outfits including jumpers, dresses and hats. As well as taking part in our annual Kahoot Christmas Quiz which I am in the middle of putting together, throughout the day each class will have the chance to visit the FOWS 'Elfridges' stalls to buy some gifts for their family, and we will all enjoy a Christmas Dinner in the hall at lunchtime. After lunch, classes will continue to enjoy further Christmas activities back in their classrooms.
Thursday 19th December
Another favourite day of the year for our pupils, it's 'Toy Day!' All children can bring in a toy or game to play with in their classroom throughout the day. Please help your child select something appropriate. Board games are often a good choice or other toys that your child and their friends can play together with. Please make sure they do not bring in anything electronic, too expensive or that has sentimental value. In the afternoon we will get together in the hall to sing some Christmas songs together.
It has been lovely seeing so many of you in school this term for family learning sessions, year group performances or just to have lunch with your children. I look forward to seeing you all in the new year. I wish each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas!
Mr. Marks
Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash