Friday 10.01.2025

Mr Marks, the Headteacher, writes...
Dear parents and carers,
Happy New Year to you all! Welcome back to the Spring Term, I hope you all enjoyed the Christmas break. It has been a great start to January in school (although a very cold one!) and the children have been following the PRIDE Code and demonstrating the learning tools from day one. Hopefully you all read the letter sent home on Wednesday about the support I will be offering Woodston Primary School in the coming weeks. As we are part of the OWN Trust, it is important that all schools can draw on support from each other when required. There have been times when our school has benefitted from the expertise that is available across the other schools, and we are in a position to do that for Woodston Primary School for a period of time. OWPS remains my priority and the majority of my time each week will be spent here, focusing on our school's targets and working with our staff, pupils and families. Having only ever worked at OWPS, it will be a little strange being at another school in this capacity, but also a good opportunity and a chance for me to see, in more detail, how another school operates.
Curriculum Evening
We look forward to seeing many of you at the upcoming Years 1-6 curriculum evening. It is a fantastic chance to understand what certain elements of our maths curriculum look like in school, and it will help you to feel more confident when supporting your children at home. When you join OWPS there are certain commitments we ask our parents to make and joining us for this event each year is one of them. The teachers spend time carefully planning the sessions with the hope that the majority of families will attend. This event is NOT for pupils, it is for parents and carers only. If you are unable to attend, but another family member would like to come along in your place (grandparent etc) it will be great to see them. Please use this link to access the form to let us know if you are attending: OWPS Curriculum Evening Form
New Parent Foundation Stage Tours
So far, we have held seven new parent tours this year, and it has been great to meet so many potential new families and be joined by some of our existing parents who have a little one joining us in September. We have decided to put on one extra tour on Monday 13th at 1.30pm. This will be the last official tour for this academic year and if you know of anyone that has a little one starting school in September that may be interested in joining, please let them know. They can book a place by visiting the school website or contacting the school office.
Spring Term Clubs
The clubs letter will be sent home today to let you all know about the additional clubs staff at the school will be running this term. There are always fewer clubs at this point in the year due to the fact that several teachers run 'booster' groups for Year Six children to help them get ready for their SAT tests in May. Please talk to your children about the clubs that are available and complete the form if they are interested. It is often a chance to try something new or take part in an existing interest either during a lunchtime or after school for a number of weeks.
I'm sure many of you watched The POSH take on Everton at Goodison last night, shame they couldn't come away with a win, but they put up a fight and it was great to see our local team perform on such an impressive stage. I hope you all manage to stay warm this weekend. See you on Monday.
Mr. Marks
Photo by Lauren Mancke on Unsplash