Friday 17.01.25

Mr Goakes, The Executive Deputy Head Teacher, writes...
Dear Parents and Carers
The children continue to work hard this week as they move into the Spring Term. I am impressed with how the children have come back into school – keep up the hard work.
As Mr Marks wrote earlier in the week, I will be on the gate in the morning and afternoon more over the next half-term – please come and say hello.
As we complete the second week of the Spring Term, at school we have been focussing on ‘being kind’ to each other. Children will form friendships as they move through school. These will sometimes take twists and turns as children grow and change. Here at Orton Wistow we work hard to educate children with reading, writing and maths, but we also pride ourselves on equipping children with life skills so they can become rounded individuals. Part of this work is how they navigate friendships. Friendships can last a lifetime, but sometimes children do not always see ‘eye-to-eye.’ We help your children with their friendships, whether it is in a group or one-to-one. We can guide younger children to making good choices with the expectations that as they get older, the children themselves start to make good choices with how they behave as a good friend.
The children have had two assemblies over the last couple of weeks around friendships, and we hope that this continues to support them with what makes a good friend.
Local Community
We appreciate that the morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up times can be busy for families. We are fortunate here at Orton Wistow that we have a lot of space around the school. Not all primary schools have this luxury. We kindly ask that you are respectful when parking your car in the local community. Please do not block any driveways and always be mindful when leaving your parked car that an emergency vehicle can get past. We also ask that dogs do not come onto our playground and that smoking / vaping is not permitted on school grounds.
Curriculum Evening
A reminder about our upcoming Years 1-6 curriculum evening. It is a fantastic chance to understand what certain elements of our maths curriculum look like in school, and it will help you to feel more confident when supporting your children at home. The teachers spend time carefully planning the sessions with the hope that the majority of families will attend. This event is NOT for pupils, it is for parents and carers only. If you are unable to attend, but another family member would like to come along in your place (grandparent etc) it will be great to see them. Please use this link to access the form to let us know if you are attending: OWPS Curriculum Evening Form
Thank you for your continued support.
Trevor Goakes
Executive Deputy Headteacher
Photo by virginia lackinger on Unsplash