Friday 26th February 2021

Mr Marks, the Deputy Head Teacher, writes...
Dear Parents and Carers,
Although I did watch Boris's speech on Monday evening, I was already aware of what he was going to say, and we are now looking forward to March 8th and seeing everyone back in school! This lockdown has seemed longer than the one back in March 2020 and I'm sure the shorter days and colder weather have had a part to play in that feeling. The announcement on Monday felt positive and I'm also looking forward to seeing family and friends face to face rather than via Zoom! Being able to take my boys swimming, to see their nan and grandad and to places further away will also be a relief. Dog walks are fun, but we need some variety!
On Wednesday, the teaching staff got together to discuss what we need to do to prepare for all the children returning. Next week, Mr Eardley and I will write to you all with details about school reopening. We will of course stick closely to all government guidelines and advice, update our risk assessment and ensure we do everything we can to keep the pupils, staff and families safe. The advice that has already been shared with us states that we need to continue to do all the things we were doing from September with the addition of a few extras including the importance of all staff wearing face masks in communal areas.
The Spring term has again been one like no other. I can't thank the staff, pupils and families enough for the parts they have played in making it a success up to this point. On March 8th we will have experienced reopening schools three times during the pandemic, and it feels like we have become experts at quickly changing the way we work, adapting to the needs of the children at our school and at the same time keeping a focus on the curriculum and the learning happening across all ages.
I have been trying to get my daily exercise by cycling to school whenever I can. Every day this week more daffodils are appearing, Spring is definitely on its way!
Have a lovely weekend everyone
Colin Marks
Deputy Headteacher
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash