Friday 12th March 2021

Mr Marks, the Deputy Head Teacher, writes...
Dear Parents and Carers,
Where has that week gone? I knew it was going to feel busy, having all the children back in school and it has whizzed by. On Monday morning, when I opened the gate, I'm not sure who looked happier, the children or the parents! I spend a chunk of most lunchtimes on the Year Five/Six playground, and it has been wonderful to see all the children back where they belong, playing and catching up with their friends. Any step towards some kind of normality is a positive one and walking through the school and past full classrooms, with teachers teaching and TAs supporting, has made me feel optimistic for the coming months.
You and the children should feel very proud of how they have settled back into school. The plans staff have put in place to ease all the children back into full-time, face-to-face education has worked brilliantly. The chance for children to talk, share and spend time 'warming up' has helped them to make this week enjoyable for all.
I sent a letter on Wednesday reminding all families of our expectations for the start of the day. There has been an improvement since then and we are seeing fewer children arrive at school too early. Please continue to do your best to arrive at the time your children start and finish each school day. It is great to see so many children still travelling to school on bikes and scooters. Please remind your children that they must walk all bikes and scooters from the gate to the scooter/bike racks and then walk them to the gate at the end of the day.
With school welcoming back all pupils and the Covid pandemic moving in the right direction, we have started to consider what else we may be able to do in the next few weeks and the Summer term. Next week should have seen the Year Three children go to Burwell, their first school residential.
Unfortunately, things like that are not possible yet but we are looking forward to Comic Relief (Red Nose Day) next Friday (19th). Children can either wear their own clothes or dress as a superhero for a £1 donation towards the charity. We will also be selling biscuits on that day.
Mr Cowles and I have also been discussing clubs and we are planning to offer some after-school clubs run by an outside company as well as some lunchtime or after-school clubs run by some members of staff during the Summer term. Details about these will be sent home when we have finalised the plans.
Take care and stay safe everyone!
Mr Marks
Deputy Head Teacher