Friday 25th June 2021

Mr Marks, the Deputy Head Teacher, writes...
Dear Parents and Carers,
This week has seen three positive Covid cases in school. Due to the measures we have had in place since the start of the epidemic, we were able to limit the number of children and staff needing to self-isolate. This morning's update from Jonathan Lewis said that cases within schools across the region have increased over the past two weeks. It has been a harsh reminder of the importance of adhering to our risk assessment and social distancing guidance.
It was an amazing team effort on Tuesday, making over 260 packed lunches for children across the school and I know the staff having to isolate had work ready for the children on class Dojo early that same morning. I'd like to say thank you to all the staff for their flexibility and positivity once again.
This week has seen over two-thirds of the Year Five cohort take part in Bikability training (cycling proficiency). The bike racks have been full, and it is great that so many have taken part. We have always encouraged children to ride to school if they can. It is great exercise, good for the environment and helps with the car parking issues.
Unfortunately, in a separate incident, I was informed of a group of older children cycling very quickly down the bus lane, towards Oundle Road causing two cars to brake suddenly. The children did stop in time but past the line. Thankfully, no accident occurred. If your child does cycle to school, please remind them of the importance to be safe on the road and if they have a helmet, it is always wise to wear it.
We are looking forward to our sports days next week. It is disappointing that we can't invite parents in for these events but we are glad the children still get to take part. We are looking at how we can rearrange our times to allow the Elephant's class to take part on Monday 5th July 2021 when they return.
Thank you all for your support this week, being understanding if your child has needed to self-isolate and providing packed lunches. It feels like we are all going to need to use the learning tools (perseverance, resilience, responsibility, teamwork, concentration) throughout these last few weeks of the year!
Have a lovely weekend.
Mr Marks
Deputy Head Teacher
Photo by John Mccann on Unsplash