Friday 24th February 2023

Mr Marks, the Headteacher, writes...
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome back to the second half of the academic year, I hope you all had a great half-term. It has been a busy and positive first week back and the children appear well rested and ready to work!
Industrial Action
As it stands, the school will remain open on Wednesday 1st March, the next planned day of teacher strikes. A separate letter about this has been sent home today. Circumstances could change between now and March 1st. I will keep everyone updated.
Year 5 2 Can Learn
It was great to see so many family members join our Year Five children for their 2 Can Learn session yesterday. They were set the challenge of investigating which size parachute would take the longest to reach the ground. They had to think about variables, making it a fair test and working as a team to build three different sized parachutes. It looked as if everyone enjoyed the challenge and the chance to work together.
Bike Canopies
Many of you will have noticed that the work on our new bike canopies has begun. They have completed the first canopy outside the entrance to the Year Two classrooms, and they are planning to start on the larger canopy very soon. We are hoping that this will be another way of encouraging more of you to cycle or scoot to school. I know Mr. Newton is very happy about not having a wet bike seat at the end of the day from now on!
Have a wonderful weekend everybody. See you on Monday.
Mr. Marks
Photo by Chris Linnett on Unsplash