Plastic Free July

Plastic Free July takes place throughout the month of July and people are challenged to go plastic free for one day, one week, all of July or from now on.
What is Plastic Free July?
Plastic Free July is an initiative by the Plastic Free Foundation. You can find out more by reading their 2020 Impact Report.
Plastic Free July gives people the opportunity to see that they really do not need the many processed packages that we bring into our home; that we can make the same foods from scratch easily and they are far more nourishing and delicious. They're not as difficult as they might look and really don't take that long.
Jude Blereau - Wholefood Cook
Here is a video which explains what Plastic July is and how people can 'choose to refuse' single use plastic:
How can you get involved?
- Take the Plastic Free Challenge and get tips delivered to your inbox about how you can reduce your use of plastics.
- Discover ways in which you can make small changes which will make a big difference to the amount of plastic that you use.
- Watch videos about how you can reduce your use of plastics.
.Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash