The Library Corner- July 2024

Mrs Campling, the school librarian, writes...
Mrs Campling’s Brilliant Bookworms
Each year I like to look back and identify a few children who have, to me, exemplified what it means to be a star library user. These might be children who read voraciously, or who demonstrate the PRIDE code and the library rules to a consistent high standard, or who always want to tell me about what they’re reading at the moment! I found it very difficult to narrow it down this year as there have been so many children engaging in their reading journeys and sharing the book love with their friends; nonetheless, here they are!
KS1 - Oliver P, Chameleons. Oliver always comes to chat to me about the books he’s reading and has often helped pick out the stories that we read as a class! He also loves a mixture of fiction and non-fiction and will often share interesting facts with me.
LKS2 - Susie, Seals. Susie has a very wide range of books she has read this year and is never afraid to try something new. On top of her open-minded reading habits, she is always respectful, friendly & helpful to both adults and her peers, in and outside the library.
UKS2 - Flo, Sharks. Flo has been an outstanding library user for the entirety of her school journey and has even been a library ambassador this year! There is very little in here that she hasn’t read, and she loves to come in and tell me about the things she’s reading outside of school too (and her wishlists for holidays, birthdays, Christmases, basically any opportunity she has to acquire and read more books!). She always goes out of her way to help younger children she sees in the library and always leads by example.
Millionaire Totals!
Mr Marks will be announcing individual millionaires next Wednesday in our final assembly of the year, so that particular information will not be appearing here! However, I can reveal that our school total at time of writing is a whopping 66,614,022, and the class with the most words read is SHARKS with 20,416,173!
Well done Team Wistow!
Recommended Reads
Obviously, the summer holidays is an excellent opportunity to do as much reading possible! Here are a few of my recommendations:
Poetry Comics by Grant Snider
This book is a wonderful combination of comic-strip style illustrations and poetry, with two children as the central voices. The poems and comics traverse the four seasons, covering topics such as friendship, self-confidence, cloud spotting and bubbles! It is expressive and accessible, and is particularly good for those who may find poetry harder to appreciate!
Grimwood 4: Party Animals by Nadia Shireen
The Grimwood series is a firm favourite in the Campling house with adults and children alike, and we have followed Ted & Nancy’s adventures over three books so far with increasing attachment! This fourth book shifts focus to Sharon the Party Crow, one of the supporting characters, and promises to be just as hilarious and heartfelt as its predecessors. I’m hopeful that some of our unanswered questions about Ted & Nancy’s parents might begin to be answered - and if not, then Nadia Shireen will just have to write more!
Book Returns
As is usual for the end of the year, we are collecting ALL school books back for the holidays. This is even more important than usual as we will be doing a full stock take over the summer, so please do have a look at home, behind the sofas, under the beds, in case you’ve got any hiding away anywhere!
Classroom Book Corners
In the autumn term we are hoping to replenish our classroom book corners. Some new books will come through the rewards earned via your generous shopping at the Book Fair ((thank you!) but we are also looking for donations! If you’re having a clear out, please consider putting aside anything that is in good condition and could be used for the school. We will have donation boxes on the playground for each unit (EYFS, KS1, LKS2, UKS2), or you can drop books into the office clearly labelled as ‘Book Corner Donation’.
2024 Summer Reading Challenge and Local Library Events
Information about this year’s Summer Reading Challenge and other events in the Peterborough Libraries can be found here, or on the individual libraries’ social media pages:
Libraries, Archives and BIPC - Libraries, Archives and BIPC (