Healthy Lifestyle

By Ms Porter, FS Lead and Eco Co-ordinator
We pride ourself at OWPS that we offer lots of opportunities within our curriculum and extra curricular activities to promote a healthy lifestyle.
During Eco assembly last week we revisited our Eco Code:
Eat Healthily
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Ignore the car, use green power
Care for our school grounds and community
Save water and electricity
Children in years FS-2 have free snack and we offer any remaining snack for the children in KS2. We have noticed a great improvement in the range of healthy snacks being brought into school, thank you!
The Year 6 Eco warriors have surveyed each class to determine how many children are bringing in a snack from the school list. This list is in line with Government/NHS recommendations.
The challenge for the children is to increase the amount of healthy snack their class bring in by the end of term. A prize (not sweets!) will be awarded to the class who has managed to increase the healthy snack percentage.
During assembly, children were asked why they choose to bring in a snack that is not on our suggested list. Answers such as ‘because that’s what my Mum gives me’ and ‘I like it’ were given. We talked about that no food is ‘bad’ but processed foods or those high in sugar do not form part of a balanced diet. After some discussion, the children were able to make the link between ‘wanting to be good at football’ and saying ‘you need to eat properly to make your body work’ and ‘it’s good for your teeth.’
We then talked about exercise and how this goes hand in hand with a healthy lifestyle. The children are very excited about our ‘Bolt to Berlin’ sponsored event which will continue to raise the profile of a healthy lifestyle. We hope you are able to sponsor your child for this event, along with sending them into school with a snack from the suggested list.