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Sports News

Here you can find discover the latest news about sporting events and activities at OWPS.

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  • OWPS vs Winyates

    Published 25/10/24

    By Ben Cowles, Sports Lead

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  • Sports Days June 2024

    Published 14/06/24

    Below are the days which your child will take part in their respected sports day:

    Tuesday 18th June – KS2 Sports Day (Year 3, 4, 5, 6)

    Friday 21st June – FS/KS1 Sports Day (Foundation, Year 1, 2)

    9:00 am – All of the children will enter the hall from their class. Mr Marks will tell the children which team they are in and what station they will be starting at. Once Mr Marks has done this, that team will walk to their station with their adult.

    9:20 am – The KS1 playground gate will open. This will be the only access point for you to enter and leave. Once you enter the playground you can walk over to the field and find your child, you must stay on the outside of the circuit whilst following your child around.

    9:30 am – Sports Day will officially start with the children completing their first station.

    The children will have 5 minutes at a station, with a 2-minute break to travel to the next one.

    Once all of the children have completed all of the stations, we will offer the children the chance to take part in running races. Oh, and of course, parents too!

    Below are the days which your child will take part in their respected sports day:

    Please ensure that your child comes to school in PE kit on these days.

    The event is approximately 2 hours long! 

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  • OWPS vs St Johns (Girls Football Fixture)

    Published 17/05/24

    By Amy, Year 6 Student

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  • OWPS Girl's Football Team

    Published 26/01/24

    The girls football team played their next league fixture on Monday and won 6-0 against Winyates! A brilliant result and some very big smiles. Well done Girls!

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  • OWPS Football News- May 2023

    Published 26/05/23

    By Mr Cowles, PE Lead and Year 2 Class Teacher

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  • Year 2/3 Tag Rugby Festival 22.05.23

    Published 26/05/23

    By Mr Cowles, PE Lead and Year 2 Class Teacher

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