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School News

Keep up to date with the latest news at Orton Wistow Primary

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  • End of Year Honours Awards

    Published 12/07/24

    The following children have been chosen as the End of Year Honours Award 2024.

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  • FOWS Update 12.07.24

    Published 12/07/24

    By Jo Watson, Chair of Fows

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  • Schools in Residence: Celebration

    Published 11/07/24

    Celebratory with a touch of sadness, Wednesday 10th July, 10 children from each school in the OWN Trust returned to Ferry Meadows for the last time.  To celebrate all the learning over the year, we returned for some surprise events with Schools in Residence project in association with Nene Park Trust.

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  • FOWS News 05.07.24

    Published 05/07/24

    By Jo Watson, Chair of FOWS, writes...

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  • OWN Trust Charity Day - 8th July

    Published 05/07/24

    OWN Trust Schools are working together to raise money for UNICEF on 8th July 2024.

    On Monday 8th July 2024, the OWN Trust Schools (Woodston Primary School, Nene Valley Primary School and Orton Wistow Primary School) will be working together to raise money for UNICEF, an agency of the United Nations that provides humanitarian and developmental aid to children worldwide.

    Children in the OWN Trust Schools have been invited to help raise money for UNICEF by:

    • Wearing non-uniform (including wearing something blue, which is the UNICEF colour, if they wish)
    • Participating in a physical challenge with their class, which will involve walking around the school field carrying a cup of water to highlight what children in other parts of the world experience to get drinking water.

    Parents can donate via the OWN Trust Just Giving Page.

    Every year, the OWN Trust Schools hold a Charity Day to support a charity that is close to the heart of one of the schools.

    In 2022, Nene Valley Primary School chose the charity, the Cavanoma Alliance UK. In 2023, Woodston Primary School chose Macmillan Cancer Support. This year, Orton Wistow Primary School has chosen UNICEF.

    UNICEF is the United Nations Children’s Fund, working in the world’s toughest places to reach the most disadvantaged children and adolescents – and to protect the rights of every child, everywhere.

    One of the world’s largest providers of vaccines, UNICEF supports child health and nutrition, safe water and sanitation, quality education and skill building, HIV prevention and treatment for mothers and babies, and the protection of children and adolescents from violence and exploitation.

    Before, during and after humanitarian emergencies, UNICEF is on the ground, bringing life-saving help and hope to children and families.

    Every donation will help to build a better world for every child.

    You can find out more about UNICEF's work at

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  • School Book Fair

    Published 05/07/24

    The Book Fair will be in school in time for the summer fayre next Friday! Due to transition week, children will not be browsing during the school day so do make the most of popping by either at the summer fayre or after school on Monday 8th (in the Nest). Every book you buy at the Book Fair gives us money to spend on books for school, and you can pay online via QR code or with cash.

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  • FOWS Summer Fair - Friday 5th July

    Published 05/07/24

    Come and join us for the School Summer fair on Friday 5th July, from 3.30-5.30pm, in the playground.

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  • Message From the School Office

    Published 28/06/24

    To ensure the smooth running of the school, for both parents and staff, we would appreciate it if you could ensure the following are adhered too...

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  • Year 1 - History of the Page Day

    Published 28/06/24

    On Monday 24th June, Year 1 had a visit from History Off The Page, learning about the Seaside. Our day began with us learning how to bow and curtsey in a Victorian manner. We then imagined we were in a seaside town, and were helping the shop owners to prepare for the day ahead. We had the opportunity to make shell boxes, cone puppets, ducks (to play hook the duck), to design our own train tickets, role play in the café and decorate our own mugs - amongst other activities! 

    After lunch, we all thoroughly enjoyed a Punch and Judy show, in particular the audience participation element! We also had fun being stall holders on the pier, and spending time visiting all the stalls and spending our money. 

    It was a wonderful day, the children were fully engaged and absorbed by all the activities and our leader from HOTP was very impressed with the children's focus and concentration levels. 

    A huge thank you must go to our parent helpers - we really appreciate you giving up your time to come and support us with our day.  

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  • Year 6 Residential Trip- London

    Published 28/06/24

    Year Six went to London and had a fantastic time.  We visited London Zoo, The Globe Theatre, Tate Modern, London Eye, Natural History Museum and Science Museum.  We also went for meals at Wildwood and Pizza Hut.  Along with this, we watched the Lion King at the Lyceum Theatre.  

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  • Year 2- 2 Can Learn

    Published 28/06/24

    On Thursday 20th June, the Year Two children were joined by their adults for our  2 Can Learn. During this session, the Turtles and Chameleons followed their designs and created a minibeast hand puppet for a young child to play with. The children (and parents) dug deep into their Learning Toolkits to help them create their product. They used sewing and joining techniques to create their puppets and thought carefully about the colours and embellishments to ensure their puppet matched their design. The puppets looked amazing! Well done Turtles and Chameleons!



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  • Mini Monsters Visit

    Published 28/06/24

    We were really delighted to have Ed from Mini Monsters visit us in Foundation Stage the other week. He brought lots of interesting mini (and not so mini!) beasts with him, including a huge tarantula, a corn snake, a very wiggly millipede and a giant African Land Snail. He also brought a bearded dragon, which lots of us stroked. The children asked lots of questions, and everyone behaved beautifully around the animals, which made us all very proud. After Ed had gone we couldn't wait to tell our friends what we had seen and draw pictures of the animals we had touched. 

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