FOWS Update 14.07.23

By Jo watson, Chair of FOWS
Friends of Orton Wistow School Update – Please take 3 minutes to read this, if nothing else it might make you smile 😊
Dear Fellow Parents and Carers aka Friends of Orton Wistow School,
WE MADE IT! As the school year ends, it is my utmost pleasure to write this final newsletter article for the FOWS update section, which is a long-winded way of saying, "Please, for the love of all things caffeinated and alcohol based, someone be my Vice Chair in September!" It’s been my first year as Chair and the FOWS team have delivered all the regular events you have come to know and love (Break the Rules Day, Fairs, Discos etc) and raised over £8,000 but without a Vice Chair sadly it’s not sustainable when trying to juggle work and family too.
Over the last 11 months I’ve learnt that being Chair like being the captain of a ship navigating through a sea of chaos. It's a wild ride that leaves you with a long-lasting smile after an event and a craving for uninterrupted silence at the same time. And as much as I am proud of what we have achieved, my sanity (what's left of it) demands a second-in-command, a willing soul who's ready to embark on this rewarding but sometime exhausting adventure with me and the team.
So, I'm here to implore you, my fabulous fellow parents, to consider the FOWS Vice Chair position. It's a glamorous role where you get to have a fancy title, and deal with a whole lot of unpredictability as well as spend time working out how many ice poles you need for the summer fair or coming up with fun new rules for Break the Rules Day. Plus, you'll finally understand what it feels like to experience both exhilaration and a desperate need for a nap at the same time.
What the team need is someone who can deputising for me (the Chair), when necessary as I do have a career and family that sometime need to take president over running a disco or going to bookers supplys, and the key function of the Vice-Chair is to help ensure that the Committee and all of the events continue to run smoothly. The role would suit someone who is diplomatic, fair, enthusiastic, and can use their initiative to deal with whatever comes there way. In terms of time commitment, I’m not going to lie it will take up some of your time (in peaks and troughs through the year depending on what’s in the events diary) but with a strong team the load will be shared and no one person will be expected to take an uneven share of the work.
Now, let me address the continuing issue of volunteering. We all know that volunteering can sometimes feel like being trapped in a never-ending carnival ride—fun at first, but eventually causing you to question your life choices. But fear not! Belonging to FOWS is not just any carnival ride; it's a roller coaster with an open bar at the end. Okay, maybe not literally (although on Wednesday we did celebrate the end of year with a drink or 2 at the Granary), but you'll find camaraderie, laughter, and a chance to make a difference in our children's lives, no matter how big or small your volunteering contribution is, from baking cakes to manning the sports day refreshment stand.
And let's not forget the fantastic perks of being a FOWS volunteer. You get to attend meetings that are basically a chance to escape from the kids for a couple of hours disguised as strategic planning sessions fuelled by Starbucks coffee (as that where we tend to meet). You'll master the art of juggling multiple tasks while pretending to remember everyone's name. And who knows, you might even discover hidden talents like how to wrap 60 pairs of socks most efficiently for the Christmas sale or finding creative ways to stretch a budget thinner than a runway model.
So, dear parents, as we bid farewell to another unforgettable school year, let's rise to the occasion and make the next one even more memorable. Step up, volunteer, and join this rewarding adventure. Trust me, the chaos is more fun when you're a part of it. Together, we'll navigate the seas of sanity checks, forge friendships with likeminded people and make our children proud when they see what we can achieve for them by coming together.
If you're interested in the Vice Chair position or simply want to know more about volunteering opportunities, please reach out to us on our face book page or come along to our September coffee morning or AGM in the autumn term.
Thank you all for an incredible 1st year as Chair, and let's keep FOWS going without the need for yours truly ending up in a padded cell!
Have a fantastic summer break, we all deserve it.