Music Event at the Cresset

By Mrs Francis, Music Lead and Year 1 Teacher
Back in November, all schools in Peterborough were invited to take part in a project to celebrate our city and what Peterborough means to them. Our Year 6 classes decided to take part, and the children all wrote lyrics about Peterborough. There were over 800 entries from across the city, and 6 were chosen to be set to music by a professional composer, and were premiered last night at the Cresset. Two of our year 6 children had their entries selected, so yesterday a group of Year 4, 5 and 6 children went to the Cresset and took part in an amazing day. We have spent some time in school learning 3 of the 6 Peterborough Songbook songs, our songs were 'Ferry Meadows', 'Edith Cavell' and 'Peterborough Cathedral'. During the day we spent some time rehearsing with a professional vocal coach, and then had some time with each of the instrumentalists, finding out more about their instruments. The day concluded with our concert: performing the songs we had learnt. It was an incredible day, a really valuable experience for the children involved. The children were superbly behaved, representing our school excellently. Congratulations to all those who attended, and especially to our two composers: Imaan with her song 'Ferry Meadows', and Lucy with her song 'Peterborough Cathedral'.