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School Census- Thursday 16th May 2024

Next Thursday 16th May is Census Day. This is an important day for schools across the country as we have to submit data to the government. This data helps them to decide how much funding we should have next financial year.  

We would like each child to have a school dinner on this day if at all possible, as it would assist the school with gaining this important funding.  

Please contact the School Office if you have any questions or any concerns with the menu, and we will see if we can resolve them. 

Thursday 16th May Dinner Menu 

Main course: Sausage Roll or

                       Cheese and Tomato Pizza (V) (Change to menu) 

Pudding: Chocolate Chip Sponge and custard

                 Choc Ice (Change to menu)

                 Fresh fruit or yogurt 

Thank you very much for your support. 

Kind regards 

Colin Marks