FOWS News 15.11.24
By Hannah Bass, Secretary of FOWS.
It's busy, busy, busy at FOWS HQ at the moment as we're getting ready for Christmas! We've got lots of festive fun lined up for you over the next few weeks.
Tickets for the winter raffle should be making their way home to you in the next few days. Please bring ticket stubs along with the money to the school office whenever you can. More tickets are also available on request. The prizes will be drawn at the Christmas Fair on Friday 13th December.
Another popular event coming up next month is the Elfridges Christmas Sale, which will be held during the school day on Wednesday 18th December, where children come along in their classes and choose up to 3 gifts for family members priced at either £1, £2 or £3.We are looking for volunteers to help us sort and prepare these gifts on our wrap night, which will be held in the evening of Tuesday 3rd December. Please send us an email or message us on our Facebook if you are able to come along and help.
We are excited to let you know that FOWS is now on Instagram. Please scan the code to follow us.
How are you getting on with your seasonal shopping? Don't forget it's not too late to join our easyfundraising competition, with half of November still to go, you could win £30 cash to be announced at the Christmas Fair.
Finally, if you are having a clear out and are thinking of getting rid of any soft toys, please consider donating them to us for our teddy tombola. Bagged up soft toys can be handed in at the school office.