FOWS News 6.12.24
By Hannah Bass, FOWS Secretary
It's nearly upon us, just one week to go! Yes we're getting very excited at FOWS HQ to share with you all the fantastic events we've been working hard to plan.
Christmas Fair
The Christmas Fair is next Friday!

A special guest will be opening the Fair at 3.30pm. Entry will be through The Nest from the main playground. This year we will be trialing a one-way system between the rooms. This will be signposted to help keep congestion to a minimum. Please do go around as many times as you wish, as we do not want anybody to miss out.
As mentioned, the stalls will be cash only, from 50p per go, however, we are trialling a new card payment machine on the raffle stall only (alongside the usual cash payments). If this is successful, we may be able to make more use of it at future events.

Cake donations
We need some volunteers to make cakes or biscuits for the Christmas Fair refreshment stall. Nothing containing nuts please. If you are able to bake something for us, please deliver it to the school office during the day on Friday 13th December with a full list of ingredients contained in the baked products. If you are able to do this or if you have any questions about this, please message on the FOWS Facebook page or email
Elfridges sale
The Elfridges sale will be held during the school day on Wednesday 18th December. The children will be allowed to purchase a maximum of 3 gifts priced at either £1, £2 or £3. Children will need to bring cash in a named purse or envelope and will need a named carrier bag for their purchases. We will send out more information about this next week.
Match Funding
If you work at a company which offers Match Funding for events, please get in touch.
Have a lovely week and we look forward to seeing you all at the Christmas Fair next Friday!
Hannah Bass
Secretary of FOWS