FOWS News 17.01.25

By Hannah Bass, Secretary of FOWS
Hello everybody, I hope you've all had a restful Christmas break and got everything you wished for. However, if Santa brought you more than you bargained for, and you have ended up with some unwanted gifts, then GREAT NEWS! FOWS are holding the first donation day of 2025 next Friday!
We are asking for gift donations, which will be saved up and used for our Elfridges sale and gift tombola at the Christmas Fair next December. For the sale alone, we need over a thousand gifts to sell to the 400ish children in the school, so we massively appreciate any donations you can give. We especially need donations of gifts suitable for men as these sell out very quickly. As usual, please hand all donations to our volunteers on the playground before school.
As a thank you for the donations, the school is kindly allowing you to wear your own jumper with your normal uniform (or PE kit for Year 1 and Year 4) on Friday 24th January.
School Disco
Another upcoming date for your diary: Thursday 6th February will be the next school disco! More details will follow in the next couple of weeks. If you wish to volunteer to help at either the FS & KS1 disco or the KS2 disco, or if you wish to help collect the donations before school on Friday, then please send us a message to our Facebook page (FOWS Facebook Page) or drop us an email at