Fitness Challenge - Week 2

By Mr Cowles, PE Lead
The results of Last Week's Fitness Challenge
Thank you to all those children who took part in last week's fitness challenge.
Well done to Eden in Year 4 who enjoyed taking part in the Home Court challenge and achieved 435 points!
Congratulations also go to Alex in Year 5 and Lucy in Year 3 who both took part in the fitness challenge. Their best results were 494 & 398 points respectively. Well done!
If you would like a reminder of how to download the app and take part, please click here. Keep sending us your results so that we can celebrate your achievements!
This Week's Fitness Challenge #OWPSFITNESSCHALLENGE
Mr Cowles has recorded a new video giving details of this week's fitness challenge. The challenge is called Split Step Reaction and can be found in the Home Court App in Agility Activities - Reaction Drills - Split Step Reaction.
We hope you enjoy taking part and would love to hear how you get on.
You can either email your results to or you can tweet your results and photos using the hashtag #OWPSFITNESSCHALLENGE.
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash