World Thinking Day
World Thinking Day was celebrated on Monday 22nd February 2021.
What is World Thinking Day?
World Thinking Day is a celebration involving ten million girls from the scouting and guide movement. It has taken place worldwide every 22nd of February since 1926. It is a day of international friendship when all Guides and Girl Scouts can think of each other and celebrate their sisters all around the world.
World Thinking Day remains one of the most important dates in the guiding calendar, and every year the theme of the event encourages members to think about the big issues affecting them and their global community. Previous World Thinking Days have tackled the subjects of poverty, gender inequality, environmental sustainability and access to education.
This year's theme is Peacebuilding. Girl Guides and Girl Scouts can undertake activities and work towards achieving a World Thinking Day Badge. This year, they are encouraged to Stand Up, Stand Strong and Stand Together.
You can find out more by visiting the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts website.
World Thinking Day at OWPS
On Monday, Mr Eardley gave a recorded assembly all about World Thinking Day. He looked at the history of the day and this year's theme, Peacebuilding. The children were invited to think about ways in which they could contribute to world peace.
The assembly was shared in the Digital Village section of the website and is available for all families and children to view. You can also watch it here: