Summer Term Golden Mile Challenges

Mr Cowles, PE Lead, launches the new Golden Mile Challenges for each class next term.
The Golden Mile
The Golden Mile is a safe, simple and measurable way to improve health and physical activity. Initiatives like this are supported by advice from the Department of Health, which says that children should engage in regular daily physical activity habits across the week, every week of the year.
During the Autumn Term, the children at OWPS undertook the Golden Mile regularly and their cumulative miles contributed to their class total. In addition, each class was challenged to reach a destination in the UK.
Summer Term Challenges
This term each class will be given a new destination to reach. This is based on how well the class did last term. If the class achieves its challenge, the class will receive 5 marbles to go into their jar. The children have 11 weeks to meet their challenge!
There are also certificates available to children when they reach the 10, 25, 50, 75, 100 and 125-mile points.
Class Destination Challenges
Mr Cowles did a special assembly this week to tell the children their new challenges. Here are the destinations for each class:
Each week, we will post the class weekly totals in the Achievements section of the newsletter.
Photo by Bruno Wolff on Unsplash