Years 3 & 4 10.01.25
The Iguanas have been focusing on multiplying by 10 and finding related calculations in our maths this week. Look at the great work that Bea, Henry and Mantas have produced.
The Iguanas have been focusing on multiplying by 10 and finding related calculations in our maths this week. Look at the great work that Bea, Henry and Mantas have produced.
This is a piece of work by a child in the Giraffes class. It is the beginning of her report on the Romans as part of our work on non-chronological reports.
Children in the Sharks class made some posters this week. The first poster below is for younger children, about the spreading of germs. The second poster is of a teradactyle, and some dinosaurs, living in their habitat.
In Design and Technology, we have been thinking about our reading lights we are going to create. We have made our designs this week and thought about what we need to bring in.
The Iguanas have been investigating the properties of rocks in science. We performed several experiments to try and identify what type of rock we had. The children worked in a methodical manner to answer different questions, which hopefully enabled us to identify each rock.
In the Giraffes class this week, we wrote magazine interviews where Corky Pigeon was asked some questions about his meeting with the crocodile in the sewers.
This child in the Sharks class worked hard to complete a plan full of information about Maiden Castle (one of the largest hill forts in Europe) ready for our own non-chronological reports next week. He used facts from his own research and used bullet points to organise the facts. He was extremely proud of his work!
In Art this week we have been finishing our work based on the poem Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll. We took the role of the illustrator and created pictures for each verse of the poem, letting our imagination run wild with images that sprung to mind. We used a variety of art mediums to create our final pieces and presented them in our own mini concertina books.
The Iguanas have been revisiting their science investigation. We examined the question 'Do our bones grow as we get taller?' and reached an interesting conclusion when we examined our data.
Here's what Mantas, Eva and Xavier thought...
Here is a piece of writing by Molly in the Giraffes class. She has described a part of the story, Varjak Paw, where Varjak leaves the Contessa's house.
Millie in the Sharks class has written a letter to Ug telling him about the amazing life of living in 2024. We discussed what we have now compared to living in the Stone Age and thought about how we could help improve Ug's life.
Our English is based on the book Varjak and this week we have been making decisions on what we think Varjak should do next. He must decide whether to leave the family house or stay put. The children really got into the role, writing words of advice for what they thought the right decision was.