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Autumn Term 2015: Year 2 Great Fire of London

This term Year 2 have been learning about the events of the Great Fire of London.

We have sequenced the events of the fire through role play in History. Wallabies class also showcased their understanding during their Class Assembly in October.

In English, we researched and analysed extracts from Samuel Pepys' diary before creating our own diary entry of the Great Fire from his perspective. We particularly enjoyed finding out about how Pepys' buried his favourite cheese in the garden!

As Artists, Year 2 have created sketches of houses from the 17th Century and these have taken pride of place on our award winning display!


In D.T, we have used our knowledge of the houses gained from our art work, to design and make our own houses using cardbord. The houses needed to follow the criteria of having more than one storey and having a stand alone roof. These were our finished products.


On completion of our designs and at the end of our topic, we were very fortunate to have a visit from Stanground Fire Service. James and his team helped us to recreate our own Great Fire of London using our houses and also talked to the classes about how fire safety has changed over time.

Year 2 have throughly enjoyed this topic!